Counting connected graphs

I'm trying to count the number of simple connected graphs with exactly K edges and N clearly marked vertices. I wrote this code below, but it doesn't work.

The idea is that this kind of graph will not have isolated points, so I will do this for N vertices and K edges.

1) Total = all possible graphs, including disconnected ones.
2) Disconnected = Sum from i=1 to i=N-1 [(Connected(i,K)*(number of ways to
    choose i vertices from all N vertices)]
3) return Total-Disconnected


Python code:

#c dict just stores previous combinations
c = {}    

def answer(N, K):
    ways = connected(N, K)
    return str(ways)

#number of simple graphs using exactly n vertices and k edges. no isolated vertices
def connected(n, k):
    if k < n-1:
        return 0
    edges = n*(n-1)/2
    if k > edges:
        return 0

    #number of all possible graphs with n vertices and k edges
    ways = choose(edges, k)

    #subtract number of graphs that are not connected
    for i in range(1, n):
        ways -= connected(i, k)*choose(n, i)
    return ways

#calculates nCk
def choose(n, k):
    key = str(n)+","+str(min([k,n-k]))+"/"+str(max([k,n-k]))
    if key in c:
        return c[key]
        top = fact(n)
        bottom = fact(k)*fact(n-k)
        ans = top/bottom
        c[key] = ans
        return ans

def fact(num):
    ret = 1
    for i in range(2,num+1):
        ret *= i
    return ret



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1 answer

Your formula for Disconnected is actually wrong.

Let denote the vertices 1, 2, ..., N. In your formula, the term:

[(Connected (i, K) * (number of ways to select i vertices from all N vertices)]

It is assumed that

calculates the number of graphs so that the connected component of vertex 1 contains i vertices. But this product only gives the number of possible connected components. For each such choice of a connected component, there are still many ways of placing edges between the remaining (N - i) vertices.

To get the correct formula, you must also consider the number of edges in the connected component.

Let Conn (i, j) be the number of connected graphs with i labeled vertices and exactly j edges. Then we have:

select (N * (N - 1) / 2, K) = sum (i = 1 - N, j = 0 - K) select (N - 1, i - 1) * Conn (i, j) * select (( N - i) * (N - i - 1) / 2, K - j)

The left side is the total number of graphs with N vertices and K-edges. The summand on the right-hand side is the number of graphs with N vertices, K-edges, and such that the connected component of vertex 1 has i vertices and j edges.

Further explanation of the term: first, select i - 1 vertices from N - 1 vertices other than vertex 1, then multiply by the number of ways to form a connected graph with i vertices and j edges, and finally add any K - j edges from the remaining N - i peaks.

From this formula, you will be able to write a DP algorithm to calculate all numbers Conn (i, j).

While this may be slow, it gives the correct answers. You can think about better algorithms later.



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