Carrier size limits for different file types

I have a list of allowed file extensions

def extension_white_list
  %w(pdf doc docx xls xlsx html tif gif jpg jpeg png bmp rtf txt)


and validation of the size defined in the model

mount_uploader :inv_file, InvFileUploader

validates_size_of :inv_file, maximum: 25.megabyte, message: "Attachment size exceeds the allowable limit (25 MB)."


It works great and the size limit check is applied for all specific file extensions.

But I want to apply different size limits for different ie files

  • 5MB limit for (png and jpeg)
  • 20MB PDF limit
  • 25MB limit for all other file extensions

How can I achieve this?


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1 answer

you can try this way

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base 
  mount_uploader  :inv_file, InvFileUploader

  validate :file_size

  def file_size
   extn = file.file.extension.downcase
   size = file.file.size.to_f
   if ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"].include?(extn) && size > 5.megabytes.to_f
     errors.add(:file, "You cannot upload an image file greater than 5MB")
   elsif (extn == "pdf") && size > 20.megabytes.to_f
     errors.add(:file, "You cannot upload an pdf file greater than 20MB")
     errors.add(:file, "You cannot upload a file greater than 25MB")       




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