How to change arbitrary uploaded filename in S3 - Sails.JS

I am currently using SailsJS to build my own web applications. And I am using skipper-s3 to upload files to AWS S3. And this is my code:

  adapter: require('skipper-s3'),
  key: 'KEY',
  secret: 'SECRET',
  bucket: 'BUCKET',
  ACL: 'public-read'
}, function whenDone(err, filesUploaded) {
  if (err) {
    return res.negotiate(err);

  var pt = {
    agency: req.param('id'),
    path: filesUploaded[0].extra.Location,
    filename: filesUploaded[0].filename

  Transaction.create(pt, function TransactionCreated(err, trans){
    if(err) return next(err);

    return res.ok({
      files: filesUploaded,
      textParams: req.params.all(),
      trans: trans


So, I've already put "path" and "original filename" in MongoDB. But the "filename" inside S3 has already been changed to a "random name". So, is it possible to jump to the "original filename" at boot time? OR automatically change to "original filename" when the user wants to download it?

Best regards, John Elmer Semaya


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2 answers

After looking through the documentation for the skipper, I found about the saveAs

options. All that remains is to put it inside req.file('name').upload

so that it will be saved with your original name or some other custom name.

This is an example:

var newFilename = req.file('uploadFile')._files[0].stream.filename;

   adapter: require('skipper-s3'),
   key: 'KEY',
   secret: 'SECRET',
   bucket: 'BUCKET',
   ACL: 'public-read,
   saveAs: newFilename //this is how you put custom name when upload file




You can set the key parameter s3params.

const options = {
  adapter: require('skipper-s3'),
  key: 'KEY',
  secret: 'SECRET',
  bucket: 'BUCKET',
  s3params: {Key: 'full/path/to/file.jpg'} //no leading slash prevents empty folder

const adapter = require('skipper-better-s3')(options),
      receiver = adapter.receive();

req.file('uploadFile').upload(receiver, function(err,filesUploaded){
  //do something...

//More useful below

const fs = require('fs');
const file = fs.createReadStream('/tmp/my-file.jpg');

receiver.write(file, () => { 




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