Inductively definite dense vector lemmas

Inspired by another question on StackOverflow, I defined a dense vector as a vector with elements of type option A

that only contains elements Some _

, not None


Require Import Vector.
Section Dense.
  Variable A:Type.

  Inductive Is_dense : forall n, t (option A) n -> Prop :=
  | snil : Is_dense 0 (nil _)
  | scons: forall n s, Is_dense n s -> forall a, Is_dense (S n) (cons _ (Some a) _ s).


How can I prove the following two lemmas:

  Lemma Is_dense_tl: forall n (s: t (option A) (S n)),
                     Is_dense (S n) s -> Is_dense n (tl s).



  Lemma dense_hd: forall n (s: t (option A) (S n)), Is_dense (S n) s -> A.


And also in the first lemma, when I do inversion s.

, I get the elements h n' X

that were used by the constructor s

, but how can I get the equality indicating s = cons (option A) h n' X



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1 answer

Due to the type dependency, inversion

it cannot directly generate what you expect, because it is not generally the case. However, this is true for a large family of types whose equality is decidable. In your case, you can apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec

to get the equality you want if you assert that equality is not nat

decidable (and it is).

Here is the proof of the first lemma:

Lemma Is_dense_tl: forall n (s: t (option A) (S n)),
                     Is_dense (S n) s -> Is_dense n (tl s).
intros n s hs.
inversion hs; subst; clear hs.
apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H0.
- now rewrite <- H0; simpl.
- (* insert proof of decidablity *) admit.


EDIT: About your comment on the second lemma.

The main difference between your two lemmas is that the first tries to prove the property Is_dense n (tl s)

that lives in Prop

, while the second tries to show the type term A

. In short, the former creates a genus term Prop

, the latter a genus term Type


To avoid inconsistencies in Coq logic, there is a hierarchy for organizing sorts, which (not really, but to give you a rough idea) Prop: Set


and Type_n: Type_n+1

. At the top of this hierarchy, a type system is built in which the dependent pair (for example, the type {n: nat | even n }

is the type of even natural numbers) is limited. You can build Prop

from another Prop

(e.g. forall p:Prop, p -> p

lives in Prop

). However, you need to be careful when involved Type

. For example, (again, please refer to Coq documentation for exact instructions) forall n:Type_i, Type_j

is of type Type_max(i,j)


This limitation is here to avoid inconsistency (eg Russell's paradox) in a Coq type system.

In your case, you are trying to check (using inversion

) the term sort Prop

( Is_dense (S n) s

) to construct a type term A

, sort Type

. This is prohibited by the type system. To build the sort term Type

, you need to check the conditions for at least the sort Set

. In your example, all you have to do is change the definition Is_dense

to land in Type

instead Prop

and you're good to go.



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