Using PreferenceScreen with applicationIdSuffix

I am having problems with the things that PreferenceScreen

both applicationIdSuffix

work together.

Let's assume my app package is / applicationId

is equal com.myapp

in Gradle and AndroidManifest.xml and applicationIdSuffix

defined as:

buildTypes {
    debug {
        applicationIdSuffix '.dev'


If I define a PreferenceScreen

as follows

    android:key="key_about" android:summary="something" android:title="About">
        android:targetPackage="com.myapp" />


when running debug version of application i get exception

java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent { (...) } from ProcessRecord{(...)} (pid=13658, uid=10105) not exported from uid 10067


which makes sense as I am trying to launch an activity from another application. The problem is, I can't find a way to launch Android to work properly.

If I change targetClass

to ".activities.AboutActivity" it still cannot find the activity

ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class {}


I even tried to define a value for each of the versions with the correct package:



but it cannot find the correct activity:

ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class
have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?


So how can I make this work?


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2 answers

Your confusion is due to the fact that applicationIdSuffix

only changes the application package name (its unique identifier), but does not change the java package name for your classes within the application, including your activity.

This means that you must state in your preference:



Where is targetClass

always the same, but targetPackage

depends on your build type and can be com.myapp





What I do in my application is attach onPreferenceClickListener

to preference in my host activity and create an intent inside that listener method onPreferenceClick

. By creating an intent with code, you are referring directly to the target class and the question of packages never comes up.



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