What is the meaning of Parsec String () (String, String)?

I understand the Parsec

modules function parse

, which takes a rule argument, an error message, and an input string:

parse rule text = Parsec.parse rule "(source)" text


However, I don't understand the meaning Parsec.Parsec

or how it differs from Parsec.ParsecT

. Why do custom parser type signatures use this name?

For example, in the following code snippet taken from this blogpost ,

myParser :: Parsec.Parsec String () (String,String)
myParser = do
    letters <- Parsec.many1 Parsec.letter
    digits <- Parsec.many1 Parsec.digit
    return (letters,digits)


meaning Parsec.Parsec

, and ()

in the type of signature myParser



source to share

1 answer


and Parsec

In Parsec

3, ParsecT

and are Parsec

defined and explained in Text.Parsec.Prim


data ParsecT s u m a

ParsecT s u m a

is a parser with stream s

type, user state type u

, base monad m

and return type a


(Examples of the types of streams: String

, ByteString

and Text



It is a version ParsecT

specialized for Identity


type Parsec s u = ParsecT s u Identity

Signature myParser


Going back to your type signature, in

myParser :: Parsec.Parsec String () (String,String)


  • stream type String

  • the user state is just an empty tuple (also known as "one"); in other words, myParser

    parses something, but does not track any useful state;
  • The result type is a pair of String


In addition, the signature type used Parsec.Parsec

(not just Parsec

), because in a blog that you refer to , Text.Parsec

imported qualified like Parsec


Synonym for type Parser

If all of your parsers are stream type String

and don't track any state, you probably want to deflect some of this complexity Parsec

. In this case, you must use a type synonym Parser

that the module Text.Parsec.String

defines as

type Parser = Parsec String ()


For example, with the following import

import Text.Parsec.String ( Parser )


you can simplify the type signature myParser


myParser :: Parser (String, String)




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