Set a different color for ticks on the same volumes

Is it possible to use different colored or stylized ticks on the same axes.

tics: 0,1,1.5,2

and I want 0

both 2

colored red

or bold


It would be great for multiplots

where there are graphs relative to the same measurements and you want to mark the y or x range on different graphs without overloading them a lot. the alternative for me right now is to write the y-axis range explicitly, but that would be a smoother solution for my question. I checked mxtics

, but in my experience it is not possible to set different colors for major

and minor

ticks. But maybe I missed something.


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1 answer

Here's what I mean in my comment:

set style arrow 1 nohead linecolor rgb "red" linewidth 2
set xtics pi format "%.0P"
set arrow 1 from -1.5*pi,-.38 to -1.5*pi,-.4 as 1
set arrow 2 from 1.5*pi,-.38 to 1.5*pi,-.4 as 1
plot [-4*pi:4*pi] sin(x)/x



enter image description here



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