React event handler not being called using jquery val () method

How to call react handler using jquery val () method?

Below is a simple react component with an input field. Whenever the value changes, the onChange event handler is triggered and the value is set to the state of the component.

  var Hello = React.createClass({

   getInitialState: function(){
     return {
        val: this.props.defVal || ""
   onChange: function(event){

    var newVal =;
    console.log("changed", newVal);
    this.setState({val: newVal});

   render: function() {
     return <div>
     <input id = "asd" className = "asd" value = {this.state.val} onChange = {this.onChange}/>
     Hello {}</div>;


  React.render(<Hello name="World" />, document.getElementById('container'));


However, the onChange handler is not fired when I use the jquery val method. Like $ ('# asd'). Val ("asd");

Is there a way I can call the handler using the jquery val function?


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1 answer

You need:

1.Set a ref

to an input element like:

<input id="asd" className="asd" value={this.state.val}
ref={(myInput) => { this.myInput = myInput; }/>


... you can now refer to this.myInput.value


Than you can arbitrary code using another event like onBlur:

<input id="asd" className="asd" value={this.state.val}
ref={(myInput) => { this.myInput = myInput; }
onBlur={this.onBlur.bind(this)} />


(or new ES6 syntax for the same)

... and:

3. Create a function to handle it that uses yours ref


onBlur(e) {
    var newVal = this.myInput.value; // uses the ref
    console.log("changed", newVal);
    this.setState({val: newVal});



Unlike what I've read on pages that are not action specific, you cannot do:



... (There's at least one such SO answer that naively turned me on!)



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