Lambda expression for multiple guides

Attempting to create a Lambda expression to select records from a database that contains any of seven Guid values.

When I try the following:

searchedOpps = searchedOpps.Where(s => s.STAGEID == stageAGuid && stageAPlusGuid && //etc);


I get Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool' and 'System.Guid'

, the same for ||

(not sure if or if I should use any of these operators)

If I try:

searchedOpps = searchedOpps.Where(s => s.STAGEID == stageAGuid);
searchedOpps = searchedOpps.Where(s => s.STAGEID == stageAPlusGuid);


Returns nothing

Does anyone help me with this?


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5 answers

In your second example, you are looking for STAGEID == stageAGuid

AND objects STAGEID == stageAPlusGuid

. It's no surprise that you won't get any results.

In the first example, you just need to iterate over the key you want to compare:

searchedOpps = searchedOpps
               .Where(s => s.STAGEID == stageAGuid 
               || s.STAGEID == stageAPlusGuid [...]);


As you wrote it, the compiler tries to get bool

by ' OR

ing' a bool

(from first comparison) and GUID

(value after &&




You can try this if you have multiple keys with an operator OR

that is equal in C # ||

, for example:

searchedOpps = searchedOpps.Where(s => s.STAGEID == stageAGuid 
                                    || s.STAGEID == stageAPlusGuid));


But if you have a list of keys, you can try using the Contains

sample method :

List<Guid> guids = /* get your keys from somewhere */;
searchedOpps = searchedOpps.Where(s => guids .Contains(s.STAGEID));


If you are working with linq in a database (linq-to-sql, entity-framework, nhibernate, etc.) it will generate a statement IN

with all the keys for you.



You need to "OR" your conditions and specify the comparison each time.

searchedOpps = searchedOpps.Where(s => s.STAGEID == stageAGuid || 
                                       s.STAGEID == stageAPlusGuid || //etc);


Note that consecutive calls to Where

will be AND together.

searchedOpps = searchedOpps.Where(s => s.STAGEID == stageAGuid);
searchedOpps = searchedOpps.Where(s => s.STAGEID == stageAPlusGuid);


coincides with

searchedOpps = searchedOpps.Where(s => s.STAGEID == stageAGuid && 
                                       s.STAGEID == stageAPlusGuid);




You can use the PredicateBuilder class :

var searchPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<Songs>();

searchPredicate = searchPredicate.Or(g=> g == stageAGuid);
searchPredicate = searchPredicate.Or(g=> g == stageAPlusGuid);

searchedOpps = searchedOpps.Where(searchPredicate);




You don't say which system you are using for data access, so I will assume it is EF and at least .NET 4.

If you write your query correctly, LINQ-to-Entities will translate it into an "in" SQL clause. Check out this MSDN entry:

If you have 7 different queries you are looking for, do this:

Guid[] myGuidList =
    { stageAGuid, stageAPlusGuid, anotherGuid, guid4, guid5, guid6, guid7, };

var results = searchedOpps.Where(s => myGuidList.Contains(s.STAGEID)); 


The resulting SQL will look like this:

select * from searchedOpps where STAGEID in (<guid>, <guid>, <guid>...)




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