Brilliant Application on EC2 - Error: () failed

I am currently creating a brilliant application. I am using plot3d function from rgl package. I faced a number of problems while running on EC2 (OS: Ubuntu 14.04, R version: 3.2.0)

1) I used plotOutput - a combination of renderPlot in ui.R and server.R respectively. I got an error while running on EC2:Error: failed

2) I switched to the webGLOutput - renderWebGL combo from the shinyRGL package, but it showed that "you must enable Javascript to view this page correctly" on my local machine. I have not posted it on EC2

3) I tried steps 1 and 2 after downgrading to an older version of rgl. Then I tried steps 1 and 2 after upgrading to a newer version of rgl from R-Forge. Came out the same set of errors

4) I tried steps 1, 2 and 3 with options(rgl.useNULL=TRUE)

and without .R server. There was no error when it was set to TRUE, but there was no output either

Can anyone suggest a way to get plot3d to work on EC2?


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1 answer

The current version of rgl and shinyRGL is not compatible, see this thread:!topic/shiny-discuss/GJQ6tJNU7jU

There is also a temporary fix in the stream.

Install a working clone of the RGL version from its github via devtools:

install_github("rgl", "trestletech", "js-class") 


(Make sure you do this in a new R session with rgl unloaded or even better, already removed from your library)



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