How to set global variable values ​​in onStart parameter for Shiny app

I'm trying to use the onStart parameter for the shinyApp function from the R shiny package to set global variables instead of using the global.R file. So the format would be

shinyApp(onStart = ..., ui = ..., server = ...)


However, I am unable to set global variables. For example, if I do the following:

    onStart = function() { 
          temp1 <- 2
          temp2 <- 3
          temp3 <- 4
    ui = fluidPage(
    server = function(input, output, session) {
         output$test_slider <- renderUI({
                     min = 0,
                     max = temp1 + temp2 + temp3 + temp4,
                     value = 0



When I do this, I get the error "temp1 not found". I'm not too sure how to do this, so any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated!


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1 answer

To assign global variables, you can use <<-

For example:

temp1 <<- 2




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