Can I add a request parameter to the SockJs constructor so that it can be sent to the server

I am initializing my SockJs url as

var protocols = ['xhr-polling', 'xdr-polling',  'xdr-streaming', 'xhr-streaming'];
var options = {protocols_whitelist: protocols, debug: true,server:tets};
_ws = new SockJS(url, null, options);


I want to send a request parameter like somesite / sockjs / info? someparam = tets "

Is it possible? The documentation from SockJs points out that parameters are a map that might be key, but I'm not sure which key to use here.

I have checked the url on the server that SockJs is sending and



So in the absence of a param request, adding it null seems to be a way to send a param request!


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2 answers

It is available in the latest sock js client. Discussion here

we can pass the query string along with the connection url, the same syntax as for any HTTP call



For those who need some sample code:

  var socket = new SockJS('http://localhost/ws?token=AAA');
  var stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
  stompClient.connect({}, function(frame) {
      stompClient.subscribe('/topic/echo', function(data) {
        // topic handler
  }, function(err) {
    // connection error


Now all websocket related requests will have the "? Token = AAA" parameter

http: // localhost / ws / info? token = AAA & t = 1446482506843

http: // localhost / ws / 515 / z45wjz24 / websocket? token = AAA

Tested with SockJS 1.0.3



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