Can CUDA cores be virtual functions?

The question is pretty simple, but let me give you an overview of my structure. I have an abstract class AbstractScheme

representing the type of computation (kind of discretization for the equation, but it doesn't matter). Every implementation must provide a method to return the schema name and must implement a protected function that is the core of CUDA. The base abstract class provides a public method that calls the CUDA core and returns the time it takes to complete the core.

class AbstractScheme
     * @return The name of the scheme is returned
    virtual std::string name() const =0;

     * Copies the input to the device,
     * computes the number of blocks and threads,
     * launches the kernel,
     * copies the output to the host,
     * and measures the time to do all of this.
     * @return The number of milliseconds to perform the whole operation
     *         is returned
    double doComputation(const float* input, float* output, int nElements)
        // Does a lot of things and calls this->kernel().

     * CUDA kernel which does the computation.
     * Must be implemented.
    virtual __global__ void kernel(const float*, float*, int) =0;


I also have several implementations of this base class. But when I try to compile with nvcc 7.0 I get this error referring to the line where I am defining the function kernel

in AbstractScheme

(last line in the above list): error: illegal combination of memory qualifiers


I couldn't find any resource saying that kernels cannot be virtual functions, but I have a feeling this is a problem. Can you explain the reason for this?I clearly understand how and why functions __device__

cannot be virtual functions (virtual functions are pointers to actual [host] functions stored in an object, and you cannot call such a function from device code), but I am not sure about functions __global__


EDIT: Part of the question I sketched out is wrong. Please read the comments to understand why.


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1 answer

Kernels cannot be members of classes in the CUDA object model, whether virtual or not. This is the cause of a compilation error, even if it is not particularly obvious from the error message emitted by the compiler.



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