Throw exception but try again with Sidekiq

By default, sidekiq will repeat any jobs that throw an exception. This is normal. However, I want to catch this exception so that the exception handler is not notified and then retry the job. How to do this in response?

So my code looks like this:

def perform
rescue ExcClass => ex
  # log


But I want to actually repeat this work.


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2 answers

Configure the error service client to ignore the ExcClass. Sidekiq will try again, you will not receive any error reports.



If I'm asking your question correctly, it looks like you can use your own error handler:

Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
  config.error_handlers << {|exception,context_hash| MyErrorService.notify(exception,context_hash) }


By default, Sidekiq will continue to repeat your assignments automatically.

Does this answer your question? This is a little confusing. Here are the docs from which I pulled the above information.



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