Docker image requirements for GitLab-CI Runner

I have GitLab, GitLab-CI and gitlab-ci-multi-runner

running on different machines. I have successfully added a runner using docker and ruby: 2.1 image as described at

What I would like to do next is runners for the minimum configured Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04. Not knowing docker, I thought I'd try using images ubuntu:14.04

and ubuntu:12.04

. However, when you run and try to clone my project repo, they complain about git

not being found. Then I assumed that with these images, git was not installed. So my questions are:

  • What tools should be available in the docker image to be used out of the box with gitlab-ci-multi-runner

  • Is there a set of images already available for different OS with already included
  • Should I really be looking for creating my own docker images for this purpose?

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1 answer

Popular base images containing commonly used software building software are based on buildpack-deps ( openjdk builds on this for example )

In your case, you can specify FROM buildpack-deps:stretch-scm

which is Debian Stretch based and includes Source Code Management (SCM) tools like git.

I suppose you could create a Gitlab Runner that uses these default images. But I think you should always specify the required image in the .gitlab-ci.yml


I would always hesitate to create my own Docker images because there is a lot available . However, many specific ones are supported (or better not supported) by one person for a specific use case that is often inappropriate for your application. A better choice would be to choose a base image and add only minor commands RUN

to adjust.



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