AADSTS90019: Tenant-identifying information found neither in the request nor implied by all powers granted

Hi I want to implement SSO Office365 login. I created an account and followed the following documentation: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn645542.aspx

I am at the point where I got the code and now I want to implement "Use Authorization Code to Request Access Token"

But I get the error: AADSTS90019: Tenant identification information found neither in the request nor implied by all credentials provided.

Here is a detailed log of my call:

http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,496 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 >> "POST /common/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,496 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 >> "Content-Length: 810[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,497 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 >> "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,497 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 >> "Host: login.microsoftonline.com[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,498 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 >> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,499 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 >> "User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.3.5 (java 1.5)[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,499 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 >> "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,500 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 >> "[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,501 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 >> "client_id=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2FXXXXXXXXX%2FREST%2FUser%2Foffice&client_secret=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&code=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&grant_type=authorization_code"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,570 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "H"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,571 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "TTP/1.1 400 Bad Request[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,572 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,572 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "Pragma: no-cache[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,573 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,573 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "Expires: -1[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,574 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,575 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "x-ms-request-id: c7702631-895c-4c6c-bad1-691ced9259f5[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,575 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "x-ms-gateway-service-instanceid: ESTSFE_IN_3[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,576 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,576 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,577 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "P3P: CP="DSP CUR OTPi IND OTRi ONL FIN"[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,578 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "Set-Cookie: flight-uxoptin=true; path=/; secure; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,578 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "Set-Cookie: x-ms-gateway-slice=productiona; path=/; secure; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,579 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "Set-Cookie: stsservicecookie=ests; path=/; secure; HttpOnly[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,580 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "X-Powered-By: ASP.NET[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,580 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 12:45:48 GMT[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,581 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "Content-Length: 501[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,581 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "[\r][\n]"
http-bio-8080-exec-10 29/06/2015 14:45:37,582 | DEBUG | org.apache.http.wire | wire | http-outgoing-3 << "{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS90019: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials.\r\nTrace ID: c7702631-895c-4c6c-bad1-691ced9259f5\r\nCorrelation ID: bd641f9d-9982-4808-b7ba-95d3dc0ba8d9\r\nTimestamp: 2015-06-29 12:45:49Z","error_codes":[90019],"timestamp":"2015-06-29 12:45:49Z","trace_id":"c7702631-895c-4c6c-bad1-691ced9259f5","correlation_id":"bd641f9d-9982-4808-b7ba-95d3dc0ba8d9","submit_url":null,"context":null}"


This is how I set up the APP

enter image description here


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1 answer

The account used in your case is a Microsoft account, not an organizational account / AAD account. Sorry, Microsoft accounts don't work on the shared endpoint. If the Microsoft account is a guest with an Azure AD tenant, you can put that tenant name in the authority endpoint instead of "general" and this should work. Obviously, you need to know the tenant you want ahead of time.

You may face a similar issue when using an organizational account. If the Organizational Account is a guest in a different tenant or multiple tenants, then you must specify the specific tenant for whom you want to get a token.



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