Best practice for handling release / debug libraries in cmake find module

I am trying to write a cmake search module for an external library and also make this work under Windows. The library has different paths for compiled versions with debug and release flags (-MD and -MDd), as well as for different compiler versions. For example, the following paths exist:

C:/cplex/lib/x86_windows_vs2012/stat_mda/cplex1262.lib C:/cplex/lib/x86_windows_vs2012/stat_mdd/cplex1262.lib C:/cplex/lib/x86_windows_vs2013/stat_mda/cplex1262.lib C:/cplex/lib/x86_windows_vs2013/stat_mdd/cplex1262.lib

What's the best practice for handling this in the search module?


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1 answer

There are two ways to unlock and debug versions, depending on whether you provide a library IMPORTED

or just a list of files in a variable CPLEX_LIBRARIES


  • for the library IMPORTED

    you have to use the install(...EXPORT...)

    cand commands install(EXPORT ...)

    which handle this automatically by setting the appropriate config property to the target object IMPORTED



  • if your search module only contains variables, for example CPLEX_LIBRARIES

    you can use specifiers debug

    and optimized


    set(CPLEX_LIBRARIES optimized <path-to-release.lib> debug <path-to-debug.lib>)

To choose between vs2012 and vs2013, your find module must query the variables MSVC11

and MSVC12


For other flags, see the Boost lookup module for legends.

I would also recommend writing a config module instead of find-module.



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