Unique hostname for new nrsysmond heirloom on a resilient beanstalk

I am configuring nrsysmond to run in an Elastic Beanstalk container that hosts generic Docker containers.

Is there a way to get the index of the instance so I can combine this with a constant? Something like Production-1, Production-2, etc.

The config I'm using looks like this:

    newrelic-sysmond: [] 
    newrelic: http://yum.newrelic.com/pub/newrelic/el5/x86_64/newrelic-repo-5-3.noarch.rpm 
    command: nrsysmond-config --set license_key=`/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config environment | jq .NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY | sed -e 's/"//g'`
    command: echo hostname=`/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config environment | jq .RAILS_ENV | sed -e 's/"//g'` >> /etc/newrelic/nrsysmond.cfg 
    command: usermod -a -G docker newrelic
    command: /etc/init.d/newrelic-sysmond restart


This works great, but sets all hostnames to the same. I don't want to use the Elastic Beanstalk hostname as they change every time the instances scale. This clogs a new relic with dead specimens.

This is on 64 bit Amazon Linux 2015.03 v1.4.3 running Docker 1.6.2


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1 answer

I found a reliable way to determine the current elastic beanstalk index instance.

  command: echo `ec2-describe-tags --filter key=Name | grep \`curl -sq\`` | awk '{print $5}' >> /etc/newrelic/environment-name
  command: aws elasticbeanstalk describe-environment-resources  --environment-name `cat /etc/newrelic/environment-name` --region us-east-1 | jq '.EnvironmentResources.Instances' | ruby -e "require 'json'; puts JSON.parse(ARGF.read).find_index({'Id' => '$(curl -sq'})" >> /etc/newrelic/instance-index
  command: echo hostname=`/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config environment | jq .RAILS_ENV | sed -e 's/"//g'``cat /etc/newrelic/instance-index` >> /etc/newrelic/nrsysmond.cfg 


The idea is this:

  • Get environment name with elastic beanstalk
  • Get a list of instances for this environment
  • Find the current instance at this index
  • Set the New Relic hostname to RAILS_ENV-index

Hope this helps someone else trying to figure out which Elastic Beanstalk instance you are using.



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