Installed JRE / JDK not showing up in Eclipse Mars runtimes

I just installed Java EE Eclipse Mars with JDK 8u45 x64 and JDK 7u79 x64 JDK. My file eclipse.ini

pointed to by -vm

my the JDK Home the Java: C:\ambiente_mars\jdk8u45x64\bin\javaw.exe


When I started Eclipse and set up my environment, I started installing mine Installed JREs

like this (and as I did with Indigo already):

Installed JREs

My compiler settings are configured like this:

Compiler Settings

After all this, I went to Execution Environments

to select the correct VM for all environments, but my configured JRE does not exist:

Execution Environments

Actually, this JRE is not shown for any of the Execution Enviroments <= JSE 1.7. The same screen, but now everything is showing correctly on the moon, so I think that I am not doing anything wrong.

Maybe this is a mistake? Can someone point out another way to do this?

Thanks a lot guys!

Edit 1: Eclipse is x64 too. I thought it would be good to remember;)


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3 answers

I had this problem when I was looking at problems installing Eclipse (Neon.1) yesterday.

After trying a lot of different things, we noticed that the machine had the "JRE_HOME" environment variable set on the JRE, which was not the one that started eclipse, and the _JAVA_OPTS (java global overrides) environment variable being overridden. When we took both of them, the runtime finally started showing up!

Unfortunately we removed both at once, so I can't tell which of the two it was, but this is another thing you might try to change.



First, you have a correlation added by the JDK (JRE) in Eclipse, but the execusion environment changes from project to another and in the same workspace, this means you have to right click on the project => Build path => Customize Build Path Tab => Libraries you will find JRE System Library [JDK ...] => and you click the Edit button, then you can select the installed JDK on your computer.

Also in eclise.ini

for eclipse or jbdevstudio.ini

for Jboss developper Studio you set the full path to the installed JDK as default vm

This is an example:

C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.7.0_51/bin/javaw.exe


About JAVA_HOME you can change if you made JDK as default.

Hop is good for you.



Try this: Click Search .. on the Installed JREs page. Select the java folder.

Default: c: \ Program Files \ Java \



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