Why does ReSharper warn that a function is being used before it is declared?

I wrote JavaScript code with layout as below:

function MyObject() {

    function someSubRoutine(){
        //Sub-routine code here


ReSharper warns me that

The 'someSubRoutine' function is used before it is declared

It is true that the function is used before it is declared, but is there a real reason why ReSharper recommends that I declare my function before using it? I realized, due to JavaScript hoisting capabilities, this is not a problem. Should I follow this recommendation or should I just continue to ignore it?


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1 answer

ReSharper probably uses JSLint (or JSHint) under the hood, and these linting tools usually warn about this practice.

The problem boils down to a topic called "ascent" that has been discussed to a great extent (eg Sitepoint ). In some cases, it is possible to use a method or variable before the JS interpreter has the ability to declare it ... so the "best practice" is to declare somewhere above the first use.

Edit: Here's an example where hoisting can cause possible unintended side effects:

var showState = function() {

function showState() {

showState();            // output: Idle


This is because the JS interpreter uses hoisting to create the following at runtime:

function showState(){        // moved to the top (function declaration)

var showState;               // moved to the top (variable declaration)

showState = function(){      // left in place (variable assignment)





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