Declaring a generic restricted type dictionary

I need to declare Dictionary

with Type

as key and instance value as.

I need to constrain the key type to a specific class hierarchy.

For a Java card, I can do something like:

Map<Class<? extends MySuperClass>, ? extends MySuperClass>


How can I achieve this in C #?


source to share

4 answers

Do not expose Dictionary

directly, this way you can manually control when to add

public void AddToDictionary(Type key, object value)
        throw new ArgumentException("Must be an inherited from SomeBaseClass type");
    dictionary.Add(key, value);




I think Sinatr's approach of exporting the add method to the dictionary instead of the dictionary itself is a very good idea. The only drawback is that you don't get any compile-time safety; if some code added an object of the wrong type that you would not have known until runtime.

The use of generics, however, can be configured in such a way that the added objects are reliable:

public void AddToDictionary<T>(T value) where T: MySuperClass
    dict.Add(typeof(T), value);


It is no longer possible to write a program that adds objects of the wrong type and still compiles.



You can use typeof

to get the type of a class so that something like:

Map<System.Type, object>


I'm not sure how you would apply extensions for this. This should probably happen as a test before being added to the map.



You can:

public class MyType<TBase>
    private Type Value;

    protected MyType()

    public static implicit operator Type(MyType<TBase> type)
        return type.Value;

    public static implicit operator MyType<TBase>(Type type)
        if (type == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException();

        if (!typeof(TBase).IsAssignableFrom(type))
            throw new ArgumentException();

        return new MyType<TBase> { Value = type };

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj == null)
            return false;

        var type = obj as MyType<TBase>;

        return type != null && Value.Equals(type.Value);

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Value.GetHashCode();

    public override string ToString()
        return Value.ToString();


and then:

Dictionary<MyType<MySuperClass>, MySuperClass> dict = new Dictionary<MyType<MySuperClass>, MySuperClass>();
dict.Add(typeof(MyClass1), new MyClass1());



has implicit from / to operators Type

, so it's pretty easy to use. You just cast Type

on MyType

(or a MyType

on Type

) and it just works. Example TryGetValue()


MySuperClass ms;

if (!dict.TryGetValue(typeof(MyClass1), out ms))
    throw new Exception();


Note that the checks are done at runtime!



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