Get the n elements of the list with the highest property

I am new to Haskell and am trying to implement some genetic algorithms. I am currently failing to select the best n items of a list of persons (where each individual is a list for himself. A person is created like this:

ind1 :: [Int]
ind1 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
ind2 :: [Int]
ind2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]


The corresponding population consists of a list of these individuals:

pop :: [[Int]]
pop = [ind1, ind2]


What I want to achieve is to get the best n individuals of the population where the "best" is determined by the sum of its elements, for example

> sum ind1
> sum ind2


I started building a function to create tuples with personality and quality:

f x = [(ind, sum ind) | ind <- x]


at least i got something like this:

[([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 7), ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0)]


How do I get the expected output from here? I can't even get the "fst" of the tuple where "snd == max" is. I started with recursive approaches as seen from different topics, but unfortunately without a reasonable result. Any suggestions maybe also where to read? Thank!


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2 answers

The best choice here is to use sortBy

from Data.List


sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]


The function sortBy

is of a higher order, so it takes a function as one of its arguments. He needs a function that takes two elements and returns a value Ordering

( LT

, EQ

or GT

). You can write your own comparison function, but a module Data.Ord

has comparing

one that exists to help with writing these comparison functions:

comparing :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> (a -> a -> Ordering)


Hopefully, you see the comparing

pairs with sortBy

pass it a function to convert your type to a known comparable type, and then you have a function of the correct type to transition to sortBy

. So in practice you can do

import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)

-- Some types to make things more readable
type Individual = [Int]
type Fitness = Int

-- Here our fitness function (change as needed)
fitness :: Individual -> Fitness
fitness = sum

-- Redefining so it can be used with `map`
f :: Individual -> (Individual, Fitness)
f ind = (ind, fitness ind)

-- If you do want to see the fitness of the top n individuals
solution1 :: Int -> [Individual] -> [(Individual, Fitness)]
solution1 n inds = take n $ sortBy (flip $ comparing snd) $ map f inds

-- If you just want the top n individuals
solution2 :: Int -> [Individual] -> [Individual]
solution2 n inds = take n $ sortBy (flip $ comparing fitness) inds



in arguments sortBy

causes the sort to descend instead of the default, so the first n

values ​​returned from sortBy

will have the values n

with the highest match in descending order. If you want to try different fitness features, you can do something like

fittestBy :: (Individual -> Fitness) -> Int -> [Individual] -> [Individual]
fittestBy fit n = take n . sortBy (flip $ comparing fit)


Then you will have

solution2 = fittestBy sum


But you can also have

solution3 = fittestBy product


if you want to change your fitness function as a product and not an amount.



Use sortBy and on .

> take 2 $ sortBy (flip compare `on` sum) [[1,2],[0,4],[1,1]]




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