Running Single Flask Unittest Passes, but running all tests gives an AssertionError

I have a Flask application that uses the Flask-Restful library. I have my application structure configured like this:

- app
  - tests
- common


My app setup is defined in

. I am using Factory pattern.

api = Api(prefix='/api/v0')

def create_app(config_filemane):
  flask_app = Flask(__name__)

  from app.users import add_user_resources

  return flask_app


In, I have Resource subclasses:

class UserListAPI(Resource):

  def __init__(self):
    super(UserListAPI, self).__init__()

  def get(self):

  def post(self):

class UserAPI(Resource):

  def __init__(self):
    super(UserAPI, self).__init__()

  def get(self, id):

  def put(self, id):

  def delete(self, id):

def add_user_resources():
  api.add_resource(UserListAPI, '/users', endpoint='users')
  api.add_resource(UserAPI, '/users/<id>', endpoint='user')


Please see the github page for the complete code.

I have set up the unit test class in common/

by following this snippet .

I am running my tests with Nose. When I run any one test, it passes. When I run all tests using

$ nosetests


I am getting the following error:

AssertionError: View function mapping is overwriting an existing endpoint function: users


I think the error is caused by a test trying to register another Flask-Restful resource after they are already registered. In, I have two Resource subclasses: UsersListAPI

and UsersAPI

. (If you see the github page, I also have the same setup in

I thought that running one TestCase would not result in an error because I call _pre_setup()

in the base case once for TestCase where the test application is created, but I still get the error if, for example, I run the test:

$ nosetests app.tests.test_users:UsersTest


I am still getting AssertionError


Any thoughts?

Edit: Here are my test files.

Basic test file with common /

from flask.ext.testing import TestCase
from unittest import TestCase

from application import create_app

class BaseTestCase(TestCase):

    def __call__(self, result=None):
        super(BaseTestCase, self).__call__(result)

    def _pre_setup(self): = create_app('settings_test')
        self.client =
        self._ctx =

    def _post_teardown(self):


Note. I am importing TestCase from flask.ext.testing and unittest, obviously not at the same time the testing is actually being done. When I import from flask.ext.testcase, the single test fails. The import from unittest goes through one pass:

$ nosetests app.tests.test_users:UsersTest.test_get_all_users


In both cases, all tests run, or just the UsersTest test case, the tests fail. The actual test file is very long. I'll put it as a gist . I removed all the extra code and left only two tests. If you want to see the complete test file, it's on my github repo .


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1 answer

It revealed:

I need to move a line api = Api(prefix='/api/v0')

to a function create_app

and move functions add_resource

to create_app


def create_app(config_filemane):
  flask_app = Flask(__name__)
  api = Api(prefix='/api/v0')
  api.add_resource(UserListAPI, '/users', endpoint='users')
  api.add_resource(UserAPI, '/users/<id>', endpoint='user')
  return flask_app


The object is api

no longer global, but I don't think I need it elsewhere.



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