ExtJS Change action icon icon from controller / handler

TL; DR . I am using ExtJS 4 and I want to change the action column buttons icon from hanlder

/ controller. How can i do this?

My problem . I have a menu to create a device group, it combines a table of all existing devices (device has id

, name

and group membership member

) with pagination and ajax. To create a group, I have to pass an array of device IDs to the server.

To do this, I add an action column to my grid. Clicking on the button in the Actions column, I want to add a device ID to one of the two arrays, which are stored as attributes of the grid ( addedMembers

and deletedMembers

) and change the icon in the Action column. At the moment, all of the following code works, but I don't understand how I can change the icon?


Ext.define('Portal.view.devicegroups.GroupDevicesGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.groupDevicesGrid',

addedMembers: [],
deletedMembers: [],

store: 'devicegroups.GroupDevicesStore',

columns: [
        dataIndex: 'name',
        flex: 1,
        sortable: true,
        text: Ext.String.capitalize("<?=gettext('name')?>")
        xtype: 'actioncolumn',
        text: Ext.String.capitalize("<?=gettext('member')?>"),
        width: 75,
        items: [
                getClass: function (value, meta, record, rowIndex, colIndex) {
                    var cls = 'deny';
                    if (this.up('groupDevicesGrid').deletedMembers.indexOf(record.get('id')) !== -1 || record.get('member') == 1) {
                        cls = 'allow';
                    return cls;
                handler: function (view, rowIndex, colIndex, item, event, record, row) {
                    this.fireEvent('changeMembership', rowIndex, record);




    changeGroupDeviceMembership: function(rowIndex, device) {
    var groupDevicesGrid = this.getGroupDevicesGrid(),
        groupDevicesStore = groupDevicesGrid.getStore(),
        addedMembers = groupDevicesGrid.addedMembers,
        deletedMembers = groupDevicesGrid.deletedMembers,
        deviceId = device.get('id'),
        isMember = device.get('member');
    if(isMember == 1) {
        if(deviceId) {
            if(deletedMembers.indexOf(deviceId) === -1) {
                // Set allow icon
            } else {
                // Set deny icon
                deletedMembers.splice(deletedMembers.indexOf(deviceId), 1);
    } else if(isMember == 0) {
        if(deviceId) {
            if(addedMembers.indexOf(deviceId) === -1) {
                // Set deny icon
            } else {
                // Set allow icon
                addedMembers.splice(deletedMembers.indexOf(deviceId), 1);


Or maybe there is a better solution to my problem?


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1 answer

I am not allowed to comment, so I'll just take a snapshot of the answer. This is the way I do it. You just added iconCls almost there. :)

    xtype: 'actioncolumn',
    text: Ext.String.capitalize("<?=gettext('member')?>"),
    width: 75,
    items: [
            iconCls:'deny', //<== try adding this icon cls
            getClass: function (value, meta, record, rowIndex, colIndex) {
                var cls = 'deny';
                meta.tdAttr = 'data-qtip="Deny"'; //<== I like tool tips
                if (this.up('groupDevicesGrid').deletedMembers.indexOf(record.get('id')) !== -1 || record.get('member') == 1) {
                    cls = 'allow';
                    meta.tdAttr = 'data-qtip="Allow"'; //<== I like tool tips
                return cls;
            handler: function (view, rowIndex, colIndex, item, event, record, row) {
                this.fireEvent('changeMembership', rowIndex, record);


I use this pattern quite a lot, hopefully it works for you too.



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