PHP link not showing up

I'm trying to get the "Facebook" text to be a click-through link, but for some reason it won't appear in the interface.

Snippet of code:

function friend_contact() {

$healthcard = get_field('healthcard');
$facebook = get_field('facebook');
$phone = get_field('phone');
$fax   = get_field('fax');
$email = get_field('email');

$post_info = '';

if (isset($healthcard['url'])) {
    $img = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/images/mail-icon.png";
    $post_info .= '<a class="healthcard" href="'.$healthcard['url'].'"><img src="'.$img.'" /> Download Contact</a>';

if (isset($facebook['url']) && isset($healthcard['url']) {
    $post_info .= ' | ';

if (isset($facebook['url'])) {
$post_info .= '<a href="'.$facebook['url'].'"><i class="fa fa-facebook" style="color:blue"></i> Facebook</a>';

$post_info .= '<ul class="friend-contact">';
$post_info .= "<li>$email</li>";
$post_info .= "<li>p: $phone</li>";
$post_info .= "<li>f: $fax</li>";
$post_info .= "</ul>";


genesis_markup( array(
    'html5' => sprintf( '<div class="entry-meta">%s</div>', $post_info ),
    'xhtml' => sprintf( '<div class="post-info">%s</div>', $post_info ),
) );


Dump results:

string(21) "" string(21) ""


enter image description here

Alternative code with ['url']


if (isset($facebook) && isset($healthcard['url']) {
    $post_info .= ' | ';

if (isset($facebook)) {
    $post_info .= '<a class="facebook" a href="$facebook"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> Facebook</a>';


I think the root of the problem has to do with a bit of code, ['url']

Thanks in advance


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2 answers

You are iterating over your single quoted string so it won't process the variable. It looks like double quotes, but it's part of your string. So either do this

$post_info .= '<a class="facebook" href="'.$facebook.'"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> Facebook</a>';


or undo the quotes.

$post_info .= "<a class='facebook' href='$facebook'><i class='fa fa-facebook'></i> Facebook</a>";


Edit: what's best, this is another discussion. As long as you agree.



It seems that you missed the closing parenthesis in the following line:

if (isset ($ facebook ['url']) && isset ($ healthcard ['url']) {

Your code should look like this:

if ( isset($facebook['url']) && isset($healthcard['url']) ) {


Also the variable $facebook

is a string, so is $facebook['url']

invalid and isset($facebook['url'])

always returns false . So replace everything with $ facebook without the parentheses part.

If $healthcard

it is also a string and not an array, you must also replace $healthcard['url']

with $healthcard




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