What documentation tool should I handle this with?

I have a file distributed with the atmel ( at91lib

) library that looks like this:

 \page "AT91 USB device framework"

 AT91 USB %device framework is a device-side USB framework. It enables rapid
 development of USB-compliant class drivers such as the Mass Storage Device
 (MSD) or the Communication Device Class (CDC) and etc.

 This page shows the index to describe the AT91 USB %device framework.
 - USBD: USB Device

 -# "USB Device Framework Architecture"
 -# "USB Device Framework Description"
   -# "Standard USB Structures"
   -# "USBD API"


 \page "USB Device Framework Architecture"

 !!!Framework Architecture

 The following three-tiered structure is used:
 - A #hardware layer# which performs low-level operations on the USB controller.
 - The #USB API# offers hardware-independent methods and structures.
 - The #application layer#, made up of a USB class driver and the user


Obviously this is some kind of doc commenting system used to document the directory. It also explicitly outputs HTML output as the file contains an HTML image map at some point.


Not like doxygen, however , and #. Can anyone identify the documentation tool needed to handle this in HTML?


source to share

1 answer


If you go to the rendered version of the documentation and examine the HTML source (Right-Click → View Page Source), one sees several related Javascript files at the top of the HTML.

<TITLE>../../public_html/softpack-1.5/at91sam7x-ek - at91lib</TITLE>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../common/js.js" language="JavaScript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="leftmenu.js" language="JavaScript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


The file ../../common/js.js

contains inside itself:

function Body5()
document.write("</TD><TD class=\"sideIndent\"><img src=\"");
document.write("dot.gif\" class=\"sideIndent\"></TD></TR></table>\n");
document.write("<div class=\"doxygenFooter\">\n");
document.write("<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 class=\"width\"><TR><TD align=right>\n");
document.write("<a href=\"http://www.doxys.dk\" class=\"generatedDoxygen\" onmouseover=\"overLibGeneratedByDoxyS();return overlib('Generated by DoxyS 0.97<br>Wed Apr 16 16:50 2008');\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">Generated by DoxyS</A>\n");
document.write("</TD><TD class=\"sideIndent\"><img src=\"");
document.write("dot.gif\" class=\"sideIndent\"></TD></TR></table>\n");


Notice in particular the link and the string . http://www.doxys.dk

Generated by DoxyS 0.97<br>Wed Apr 16 16:50 2008



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