Getting rid of line flushing in R file by groups

This is what my dataframe looks like:

df <- read.table(text='
    CustomerName    Sales          TradeDate
    John           1000              1/1/2015
    John          -1000              1/1/2015
    John           1000              1/1/2015
    John           5000              2/1/2015
    John          -2000              3/1/2015
    John           2000              3/2/2015
    John           2000              3/3/2015
    John          -2000              3/4/2015
    John           2000              3/5/2015
    John           2000              3/6/2015
    John          -3000              4/1/2015
    John           3000              4/1/2015
    John          -3000              4/1/2015
    John           2000              5/1/2015
    John          -2000              5/1/2015
    John           2000              5/1/2015
    Tom            1000              1/1/2015
    Tom           -1000              1/1/2015
    Tom            1000              1/1/2015
    Tom            5000              2/1/2015
    Tom           -2000              3/1/2015
    Tom            2000              3/1/2015
    Tom           -2000              3/1/2015
    Tom            2000              3/1/2015
    Tom            2000              3/1/2015
    Tom           -3000              4/1/2015
    Tom            3000              4/1/2015
    Tom           -3000              4/1/2015
                                             ', header=T)


I want to get rid of all Sales that are equal in quantity and opposite in sign (+, -) and only show the remaining net sales (preferably at the earliest possible time, but it doesn't matter anyway). My desired dataframe looks like this:

CustomerName    Sales   TradeDate
John            1000    1/1/2015
John            5000    2/1/2015
John            2000    3/3/2015
John            2000    3/6/2015
John           -3000    4/1/2015
John            2000    5/1/2015
Tom             1000    1/1/2015
Tom             5000    2/1/2015
Tom             2000    3/1/2015
Tom            -3000    4/1/2015


I picked two 2000s (in John's case in March) from 3/3/2015 and 3/6/2015. But I am also fine with the output that gave me two 2000s on 3/2/2015 or 5/5/2015. Your help is greatly appreciated!


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2 answers

Here's what I would do, in data.table



# identify how many transactions we need to keep
    n_keep := sum(Sales)/transval

# tag those transactions
    keep := 1:.N %in% tail(1:.N,abs(n_keep[1]))

# keep 'em


which gives

   CustomerName Sales TradeDate
1:         John  1000  1/1/2015
2:         John  5000  2/1/2015
3:         John  2000  3/5/2015
4:         John  2000  3/6/2015
5:         John -3000  4/1/2015
6:          Tom  1000  1/1/2015
7:          Tom  5000  2/1/2015
8:          Tom  2000  3/1/2015
9:          Tom -3000  4/1/2015


I'm sure my code can be simplified, but I think the procedure is pretty transparent.



An alternative solution is to simply calculate the daily totals:

df %>%
  group_by(CustomerName, TradeDate) %>%
  summarise(Sales = sum(Sales))
#> Source: local data frame [14 x 3]
#> Groups: CustomerName
#>    CustomerName TradeDate Sales
#> 1          John  1/1/2015  1000
#> 2          John  2/1/2015  5000
#> 3          John  3/1/2015 -2000
#> 4          John  3/2/2015  2000
#> 5          John  3/3/2015  2000
#> 6          John  3/4/2015 -2000
#> ...




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