Bring the cursor position of the cursor outside of the inserted node

I am using summernote WYSIWYG plugin and add DOM elements (buttons, links, etc.) based on user actions like clicking on a button. The API insertNode

adds a node to the editor area, but leaves the cursor inside that node (i.e., the cursor is inside tags <button></button>


How can I ensure that the cursor is outside of this last insert node?


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1 answer

I had the same problem and the solution I came across was to insert a space character immediately after inserting a node.

editor.insertNode($editable, $(rawHTML)[0]);
editor.insertText($editable, ' ');


This actually solved 2 problems for me as I also wanted there to be a room between the two buttons being added one after the other.

I know this is not exactly what you were looking for, but I thought it was the most elegant solution because changing functionality insertNode

might have different consequences.



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