Is there an explanation for WPF keyword listing?

I look at the enumeration of the keys , but for some codes the description is not very explainable. For example: Key.ImeProcessed

. Is there a list where I can get a more complete explanation of most enumeration

, if not all?

I'm trying to filter KeyPress

that doesn't make any changes to the text (like alt/ ctrl/ arrow). I wanted to see if these buttons fall into any category (for example Key.DoesNotModifyText



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1 answer

WPF keycodes are based, I believe, on Win32 virtual keycodes , which are quite extensive.

IME is an Input Method Editor which you can read here at Microsoft . This makes it easier to write in languages ​​(such as Chinese) that are not easy to write on a standard keyboard. The various IME codes indicate the status of the IME, if installed.



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