Taking the most distant meaning from the root in the hierarchy

I am trying to simulate a "settings" hierarchy where values ​​are defined at the root level and can be overridden by more specific children. If the child does not specify a value, its value must be used.

I'll use a trivial example to illustrate the problem. The hierarchy is only three levels here, but I need a solution that works for N levels.

Given that I am saving information like this:

id| parent_id| setting
 1|      NULL|   false
 2|         1|    true
 3|         2|    NULL


What I want from a procedural point of view is to get the child of a node in the tree, and if its "settings" value is NULL, look at its parent for a recursive value until the value, or root, is found. Essentially, for the information provided, I want to create the following set, so I can attach a simplest suggestion WHERE

to get the appropriate settings for any given id


id| setting
 1|   false
 2|    true
 3|    true


I have a view that "flattens" the ancestor and descendant hierarchy:

ancestor| descendant| ancestor_setting| descendant_setting
       1|          2|            false|               true
       1|          3|            false|               NULL
       2|          3|             true|               NULL
    NULL|          1|             NULL|              false
    NULL|          2|             NULL|               true
    NULL|          3|             NULL|               NULL


This way you can query all levels of the hierarchy as a set, which I hoped would be helpful in getting a response.

Until now, I could select a "branch" from the tree using this view:

SELECT COALESCE(ancestor, descendent) id,
       CASE WHEN ancestor IS NULL THEN descendant_setting
            ELSE ancestor_setting
       END setting
FROM hierarchy
WHERE descendant = 3

id| setting
 1|   false
 2|    true
 3|    NULL


I tried to figure out how to use this "flattened" structure to form a simple set of joins, and while I can return all records this way (and then filter them procedurally on the client), I want to see if there is a way to create the expected set so that i could return the expected settings for one id.


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1 answer

        q AS
        SELECT  id, parent_id, id ancestor_id, setting
        FROM    mytable
        WHERE   parent_id IS NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  m.id, q.id, ancestor_id, COALESCE(m.setting, q.setting)
        FROM    q
        LEFT JOIN
                mytable m
        ON      m.parent_id = q.id
        WHERE   q.id IS NOT NULL
FROM    q




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