Renaming files with Gulp w / Specific template

I have a Gulp task that is supposed to copy content from one directory to another and rename each file with a specific template. Basically, if I have main.css, I need to create a copy of main.css and name it main_main_bk.css (don't ask - this is a convention I need to follow). To be clear, I need to add _, followed by the name of the file currently being processed, and then _bk. How can I find out what the name of the current file is in Gulp?

var gulp = require('gulp');     
var rename = require('gulp-rename');

gulp.task('copit', function() {
    .pipe(rename({suffix: '_' + ??? + '_bk'}))



asset / css / main.css -> asset / test / main_main_bk.css
asset / css / style.css -> asset / test / style_style_bk.css



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1 answer

You can use the base name and rename it using the function

var gulp = require('gulp');     
var rename = require('gulp-rename');

gulp.task('copit', function() {
    .pipe(rename(function (path) {
        path.basename += "_" + path.basename + "_bk";




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