Cannot convert source type to compile error of target type

I have this simple class

public class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        ClassB<ClassA> objA = new ClassB<ClassA>();

        ClassB<ITestA<MyDTO>> objB = new ClassB<ClassA>();


public class ClassB<T>
    ///some code here

public interface ITestA<T>
    ///some code here

public class MyDTO
    ///some code here

public class ClassA : ITestA<MyDTO>
    ///some code 


This line of code

ClassB<ITestA<MyDTO>> objB = new ClassB<ClassA>();


gives compilation error

Cannot implicitly convert type 'ClassB<ClassA>' to 'ClassB<ITestA<MyDTO>> 


Since ClassA implements ITestA, I don't know why it will give a compilation error. Please help me understand what I am doing wrong.

Thanks, Esen


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1 answer

This is due to a rather complicated feature of generics called variance .

Classes are invariant, which means that if you declare ClassB<T>

, then on instantiation:

ClassB<T1> obj = new ClassB<T2>


Then T1

should be exactly the same class as T2


You can use interfaces to get around this, for example change your code to the following and it will compile:

public class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        ClassB<ClassA> objA = new ClassB<ClassA>();

        IClassB<ITestA<MyDTO>> objB = new ClassB<ClassA>();


public interface IClassB<out T>  // <- note the out before T
    //some code here
public class ClassB<T> : IClassB<T>
    //some code here


In this case, it is IClassB

declared covariant, which means that it can handle the given derived class T

rather than itself T

. However, there are risks associated with using covariance (and contravariance), so generic classes are invariant by default.



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