Is it possible to have a queue of dead letters for individual queues

I currently have a queue on my ActiveMQ server named

. Whenever a message is not processed, ActiveMQ creates a default directory ActiveMQ.DLQ

. Is it possible to change this name to something like

? The reason is that in the future I might have multiple queues and I want it to be something like<queue_name>.DLQ


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1 answer

The thing you are looking for is called Individual Dead letter Queue strategy

, in this process ActiveMQ creates a specific DLQ for each queue / topic,

you can implement it like this: by changing slightly activemq.xml

       <policyEntry queue=">">  <!-- '>' is the wildcard used in ActiveMQ which means for all queues, i.e. same as '*' in any other language -->
        <!-- need to add the following lines in you conf file -->
              queuePrefix="DLQ." useQueueForQueueMessages="true" />


this config will create DLQ with type names DLQ.<queue_name>

, if you don't want a prefix you can remove the attribute queuePrefix


hope this helps!

Good luck!



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