.Exe file created with Launch4j won't start

I was able to successfully create the .exe file from the executable jar. From Launch4j I can check the shell and the output in the log is what I expect. However, if I try to run the exe from the command line or from Windows Explorer, nothing happens. No error, no console output as expected. The program should also edit the text file that comes up when I run the jar with a batch file, but not when I run the exe. It's all on the same machine, so I doubt this is a JRE issue. I searched StackOverflow many times but couldn't find anything in this situation. I found this post with a similar problem: the Launch4J executable does not execute as expected , but no one actually answered the question. Thank you in advance for your help


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2 answers

I found the problem. In the title, I had to switch the title type from the GUI to the console. After that, I was able to run the exe.



You can accept something as a command line argument that might throw an error like in my case.



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