Set value in md-select by md-grid-list with php calling function
I would like to set a dynamic value of md-select to the value of md-grid-list from a php function. Please help me. My code is here.
appCity.controller('appCtrlCity', function($scope, $http, $mdDialog, $timeout, $mdSidenav, $mdUtil, $log) {
$scope.imagePath = 'img/yangon.png';
$scope.toolbarIcon = 0;
$scope.toolBarTitle = "Sales Dashboard";
$scope.orgSelected = undefined;
$"controllers/loadMasterData.php?actionType=plant").success(function(data) {
$scope.toolbarIcon = 0;
$scope.toolBarTitle = "Sales Dashboard";
json =JSON.stringify(data);
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
var jsonOrg = [];
var CValue = json[i].CodeValue;
var CDesc = json[i].CodeDesc;
json[i].CodeRow = 1;
json[i].CodeCol= 2;
json[i].CodeColor = 'red';
$"controllers/loadMasterData.php?actionType=salesorg&plantType="+json[i].CodeValue).success(function(salesorg) {
json[i].SalesOrganisations = {
'SalesOrg' : salesorg[0].SalesOrg,
'SalesOrgDesc' : salesorg[0].SalesOrgDesc
$scope.items = json;
If I run like this, I caught the following error ... TypeError: Unable to set property "SalesOrganisations" to undefined
console.log ('second') is shown before this part
$"controllers/loadMasterData.php?actionType=salesorg&plantType="+json[i].CodeValue).success(function(salesorg) {
json[i].SalesOrganisations = {
'SalesOrg' : salesorg[0].SalesOrg,
'SalesOrgDesc' : salesorg[0].SalesOrgDesc
salesorg returns with data ... So help me!
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1 answer
You are missing a subtle and often misunderstood nuance with variable scoping in javascript.
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
var jsonOrg = [];
var CValue = json[i].CodeValue;
var CDesc = json[i].CodeDesc;
json[i].CodeRow = 1;
json[i].CodeCol= 2;
json[i].CodeColor = 'red';
$"controllers/loadMasterData.php?actionType=salesorg&plantType="+json[i].CodeValue).success(function(salesorg) {
// when you get to here, the loop has already finished, and i has been set to json.length
json[i].SalesOrganisations = {
'SalesOrg' : salesorg[0].SalesOrg,
'SalesOrgDesc' : salesorg[0].SalesOrgDesc
Try something like this ...
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
var jsonOrg = [];
var CValue = json[i].CodeValue;
var CDesc = json[i].CodeDesc;
json[i].CodeRow = 1;
json[i].CodeCol= 2;
json[i].CodeColor = 'red';
// you need to pass this iteration value of i into a closure, so it maintained for the ajax handler
$"controllers/loadMasterData.php?actionType=salesorg&plantType="+json[i].CodeValue).success(function(salesorg) {
json[i].SalesOrganisations = {
'SalesOrg' : salesorg[0].SalesOrg,
'SalesOrgDesc' : salesorg[0].SalesOrgDesc
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