Call one constructor from other constructors in the same class

I came across the following question on the internet.

If we call one constructor from another in the class, what happens?

Can anyone give me some advice?


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2 answers

in java it is also possible with the keyword this

. check the example below.

public class A {

    public A() {
        System.out.println("inside default Constructor");

    public A(String a){
        System.out.println("inside Constructor A");



This concept is called constructor chaining . If this is C # I found this saying it is possible Are nested constructors (or factory methods) good, or each should do all init


This example from MSDN clarifies it

To add delegating constructors, the syntax is used constructor (. . .) : constructor (. . .)


class class_a {
    class_a() {}
    // member initialization here, no delegate
    class_a(string str) : m_string{ str } {}

    // can’t do member initialization here
    // error C3511: a call to a delegating constructor shall be the only member-initializer
    class_a(string str, double dbl) : class_a(str) , m_double{ dbl } {}

    // only member assignment
    class_a(string str, double dbl) : class_a(str) { m_double = dbl; }
    double m_double{ 1.0 };
    string m_string;


Read answers Is it possible to call a constructor from another constructor (constructor chaining) in C ++? also.



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