Dealing with the borrower

I am new to Rust. As an educational exercise, I am trying to create a basic binary tree. This is what I have so far:

fn main() {
    let data = vec![6,1,2,3,4,5];

    let mut root = Node::<i32> { value: data[0], left: None, right: None };

    for val in data {
        createAndInsert::<i32>(&root, val);
    println!("Root value: {}", root.value); 

fn createAndInsert<T: PartialOrd>(mut root: &Node<T>, value: T) {
    let mut n = Node::<T> { value: value, left: None, right: None };
    insert::<T>(&root, &n);

fn insert<T: PartialOrd>(mut curr: &Node<T>, new: &Node<T>) {
    if new.value > curr.value {
        match curr.right {
            Some(ref n) => insert(n, new),
            None => curr.right = Some(Box::new(*new))
    } else {
        match curr.left {
            Some(ref n) => insert(n, new),
            None => curr.left = Some(Box::new(*new))

struct Node<T: PartialOrd> {
    value: T,
    left: Option<Box<Node<T>>>,
    right: Option<Box<Node<T>>>,


Compiler errors I am getting: 21:52 error: cannot move out of borrowed content             None => curr.right = Some(Box::new(*new))
                                                          ^~~~ 26:51 error: cannot move out of borrowed content             None => curr.left = Some(Box::new(*new))
                                                         ^~~~ 21:54 error: cannot assign to immutable field `curr.right`             None => curr.right = Some(Box::new(*new))
                               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26:53 error: cannot assign to immutable field `curr.left`             None => curr.left = Some(Box::new(*new))
error: aborting due to 4 previous errors


I myself am confused about all the refs and muts and and, and * and I am not sure how to exit. Where am I going wrong?


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2 answers

You have two problems:

  • Unable to get out of borrowed context: see Unable to get out of borrowed content when borrowing a generic type for an explanation.

  • You cannot assign an immutable field: you only have &Node<T>

    ; to change Node

    you need &mut Node<T>

    . mut curr

    in the template just makes the binding mutable, which means you can assign a new value curr

    . However, you cannot change the content that is linked to curr

    . Spread the &

    -to- conversion &mut

    throughout your code and it works.



Since you are new to Rust, it might help to see how I would write this:

struct Node<T> {
    value: T,
    left: Option<Box<Node<T>>>,
    right: Option<Box<Node<T>>>,

impl<T> Node<T> {
    fn new(x: T) -> Node<T> {
        Node { value: x, left: None, right: None }
    fn boxed(x: T) -> Box<Node<T>> {

fn insert<T: PartialOrd>(root: &mut Option<Box<Node<T>>>, new: Box<Node<T>>) {
    if let Some(ref mut rbx) = *root {
        if new.value < rbx.value {
            insert(&mut rbx.left, new);
        } else {
            insert(&mut rbx.right, new);
    } else {
        *root = Some(new);

fn main() {
    let data = vec![6,1,2,3,4,5];
    let mut root = None;
    for val in data {
        insert(&mut root, Node::boxed(val));
    println!("Root value: {}", root.unwrap().value); 


I realize this is more of an exercise, but keep in mind that this type of data structure must not exceed a certain depth of the tree, as it could otherwise overflow when the nodes are freed recursively.



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