Java polymorphism creating new subclass object using superclass variable

I want to create a new instance depending on an object where I have a superclass variable. Is this possible without implementing the getNew () function, or without using the ugly if chain? In other words: How to implement the following newSubClass (..) function without using the getNew () function?

public abstract class SuperClass {
    abstract public SuperClass getNew();

public class SubClassA extends SuperClass {
    public SuperClass getNew() {
        return new SubClassA();

public class SubClassB extends SuperClass {
    public SuperClass getNew() {
        return new SubClassB();

private SuperClass newSubClass(SuperClass superClass) {
    return superClass.getNew(); 



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2 answers

After some time for reflection and input from zv3dh, I have solved this second answer.

Now I am getting a new instance of a subclass SuperClass instance without knowing the specific subtype at runtime.

For this you have a "reflection".

public abstract class A_SuperClass {
    public A_SuperClass createNewFromSubclassType(A_SuperClass toCreateNewFrom) {
        A_SuperClass result = null;
        if (toCreateNewFrom != null) {
            result = toCreateNewFrom.getClass().newInstance();    
        // just an example, add try .. catch and further detailed checks
        return result;

public class SubClassA extends A_SuperClass {


public class SubClassB extends A_SuperClass {



If you are looking for "java reflexion" you will get many results here on SO and on the web.



Take a look at the "FactoryMethod" design pattern.

This is exactly what you are looking for: it encapsulates a "new" operator.

However, your example makes me wonder:

  • Your getNew () is echoing what the constructor will do anyway

Try something like this:

public abstract class SuperClass {
    public SuperClass createSuperClass(object someParam) {
        if (someParem == a) return new SubClassA();
        if (someParem == b) return new SubClassB(); 

public class SubClassA extends SuperClass {


public class SubClassB extends SuperClass {



As you can see, you need some IF in some place ...



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