How to stop dynamically changing body filling in html web page

In my html page, I have one link that every time I click I get a modal popup.
If I close this modal, the padding of the body increases, it increases continuously. I don't know how to stop him.

As before I open the body tag modal popup will be like this:

<body class="sidebar-mini skin-purple modal-open" >


after i clicked and close the popup it becomes like

<body class="sidebar-mini skin-purple modal-open" style="padding-right:19px;" >


and it keeps growing every time we open the modal popup and close it.
How do I stop him?


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2 answers

I just removed the link to the bootstrap.min.js file and it works fine



there may be other java script files that are present in your file eg. bootstrap.js might collide and create a problem for u. remove them and then check.



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