How to sum time grouped by individual day in Sql server

I have a table with id, play, starttime and endtime. I want to find the total playing time per day. I think the request will be similar to the following, but I'm sure it is wrong. It will also be very handy if I get a 0 when the game is not played, but if it's difficult I don't mind.

    WHEN datediff(day, starttime, endtime) = 0 then sum(totaltime)
END as TimePerDay
from cte where starttime >= '2015-05-30 17:11:34.000'
group by id, playtime, starttime, endtime 


I'm looking for

id | play    | Date        | totaltime
1  | hockey  | 05/06/2015  | 0
2  | hockey  | 04/06/2015  | 0
3  | hockey  | 03/06/2015  | 230
4  | hockey  | 02/06/2015  | 10
5  | hockey  | 01/06/2015  | 120



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1 answer

Can you try this

Select play, cast(starttime as date) as date,
       SUM(datediff(MINUTE, endtime, starttime)) as TimePerDay
from cte
where starttime >= '2015-05-30 17:11:34.000'
group by play, cast(starttime as date)


SELECT 'hockey', DATEADD(DAY,number+1,(select min(starttime) from cte)) as date, 0 as TimePerDay
                FROM master..spt_values
                WHERE type = 'P'
                AND DATEADD(DAY,number+1,(select min(starttime) from cte)) < (select max(starttime) from cte)
                and CAST(DATEADD(DAY,number+1,(select min(starttime) from cte)) as date) not in (select cast(starttime as date) from cte)


For express version:

DECLARE @startDate date = (select min(starttime) from cte)
DECLARE @endDate date = (select max(starttime) from cte)

;WITH dates(Date) AS 
    SELECT @startdate as Date
    SELECT DATEADD(d,1,[Date])
    FROM dates 
    WHERE DATE < @enddate
Select play, cast(starttime as date) as date,
       SUM(datediff(MINUTE, endtime, starttime)) as TimePerDay
from cte
where starttime >= '2015-05-30 17:11:34.000'
group by play, cast(starttime as date)


SELECT 'hockey' as play, Date, 0 as TimePerDay
FROM dates
where Date not in (select cast(starttime as date) from cte)




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