Adding UIVisualEffectView to background UITableView only works on simulator, not device

I have UITableView

with UIImageView

how backgroundView

. It works like a charm. However, now I am trying to blur this image (using UIVisualEffectView

) to make the tableView background look blurry. However, my code somehow ignores the image and just blurs the white background of the table. Here is the code: Strike>

UIImageView *tempImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"sidebarImage"]];
UIBlurEffect *blurEffect = [UIBlurEffect effectWithStyle:UIBlurEffectStyleLight];
UIVisualEffectView *blurEffectView = [[UIVisualEffectView alloc] initWithEffect:blurEffect];
[blurEffectView setFrame:tempImageView.bounds];
[tempImageView addSubview:blurEffectView];
self.tableView.backgroundView = tempImageView;


EDIT: After some testing, I found this works on the simulator, but not on the device itself. I have attached screenshots below the well. What's even more surprising when I comment [tempImageView addSubview:blurEffectView]

; the image appears. This means that the image is copied to the phone.

Physical Phone



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3 answers

This must be one of the dumbest problems I've encountered. Apparently I have turned on "Reduce transparency" in the iphone settings. Hence the problem. Hope this helps another poor soul trying to save battery.



You can detect when "Reduce Transparency" is enabled in iOS 8+ using:

if (UIAccessibilityIsReduceTransparencyEnabled()) {


See this blog post for a more detailed description of UIVisualEffectView

device discovery .



try it

 UIImageView *tempImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"sidebarImage"]];
    UIBlurEffect *blurEffect;
    blurEffect = [UIBlurEffect effectWithStyle:UIBlurEffectStyleLight];

    UIVisualEffectView * blurEffectView;
    blurEffectView = [[UIVisualEffectView alloc] initWithEffect:blurEffect];

    blurEffectView.frame = tempImageView.bounds;
    [tempImageView addSubview:blurEffectView];
    self.tableView.backgroundView = tempImageView;


Look at this



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