Create a Node package using Typescript 1.5 and generate a declaration file

I am new to Javascript, Node and Typescript and am trying to use them.


  • How to properly build a Node package using Typescript?
  • How do I properly create a declaration file that conforms to the Node API in one nice file?

Here's my story:

I would like to use Typescript to encode a javascript library in Node.js format. And finally, I would like to create an appropriate declaration file to make it available for future Typescript development. I am using gulp-typescript

to compile them.

After hours of research and error ...

Here's what I did:


export class Foo {
    private id: number;
    constructor() { = 0;



import foo = require('foo');

export function make(): boolean {
    var f = new foo.Foo();
    return true;



declare module 'test' {
    export import impl = require('impl');

module.exports = {
    impl: require('impl')



var gulp = require('gulp')
  , ts = require('gulp-typescript');    

var TS_FILES = 'src/**/*.ts';    

gulp.task('default', ['build_node']);    

// Compile the node package from Typescript source code
gulp.task('build_node', function() {
  var project = ts.createProject({
    declarationFiles: true,
    emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
    module: 'commonjs',
    noEmitError: true,
    noImplicitAny: true,
    removeComments: true,
    target: 'ES5'

  var tsResult = gulp.src(TS_FILES)




Here's what I have:

  • 3 declaration files:


export declare class Foo {
    private id;



export declare function make(): boolean;



declare module 'test' {
    export import impl = require('impl');


  • 3 javascript files:


and they impl.js

look fine. AND...


module.exports = {
    impl: require('impl')


I don't even know if it works or not, but of course it doesn't look right ... I mean, I really think I messed up and this is not the correct way to create a Node package and its declaration file.

The reasons?

When I look at the DefinitelyTyped declaration file, most of them are in the same file with each declaration export

, as shown below:

declare module 'test' {
    export function make(): boolean;


And let the Node package expose its API like this:

module.exports = {
    version: '1.0',
    impl: require('impl');


I have read a hundred posts but nothing similar generates what I want.

Could you please explain to me:

  • How to properly build a Node package using Typescript?
  • How do I properly create a declaration file that conforms to the Node API in one nice file?

Edit: I am not using export =

it because I want to be able to declare and export multiple things in one file. Example: having a class helper and constructor in the same file.


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2 answers

This is how I can create something that works


  • Build js lib separately as is.
    • Remove all tags ///<reference ...

      from output
  • Assembly type definition file from template
    • Build definition files as is
    • Combine them all into one file
    • Remove all tags ///<reference ...

      and import

      from output
    • Insert output record into index.tmpl.d.ts

      file template
    • Replace declare export ...

      withexport ...



There are many ways to do this while there is no official support yet. You can track the official support here:

However, I am using

Sample NPM project:
Sample project using NPM project:



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