Get average DTUs of all databases in Azure SQL Database

After reading about how to validate the DTU, I now have the following request (based on the following in the following MSDN article: service-tiers / )

Select avg(unsum) as avg_DTU_percent,database_name from ( SELECT start_time,(SELECT Max(v) FROM (VALUES (avg_cpu_percent) , (avg_physical_data_read_percent) , (avg_log_write_percent) ) AS value(v)) AS [unsum],database_name FROM sys.resource_stats WHERE database_name = '<DBNAME>')as rc GROUP BY database_name;

I want to change it to run on all databases on the server, which means I want to drop the database name and use the group by but I haven't seemed to use real sql for too long and I am missing something.

Is there a way to split the data before the inner query so I can get the data easily?


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1 answer

SELECT database_name ,(SELECT Max(v) FROM (VALUES (max(avg_cpu_percent)) , (max(avg_data_io_percent)) , (max(avg_log_write_percent)) ) AS value(v)) AS [max_DTU_percent] FROM sys.resource_stats group by database_name

Will catch the highest DTU percentage.

SELECT start_time, end_time, database_name ,(SELECT Max(v) FROM (VALUES (avg_cpu_percent) , (avg_data_io_percent) , (avg_log_write_percent) ) AS value(v)) AS [max_DTU_percent] FROM sys.resource_stats ORDER BY end_time

Gives you a list every five minutes so you can see the data range.



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