How to send M-SEARCH from Javascript / Browser

Is it possible to send SSDP M-SEARCH from javascript in browser? The protocol is based on UDP and the message I would like to send from Javascript should look like this:

MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: seconds to delay response
ST: search target
USER-AGENT: OS/version UPnP/1.1 product/version


Someone asked a similar question , a more general way to send UDP packets from the browser. The answer doesn't really show any code samples.

I understand WebRTC allows things like DataChannels , but that's not what I'm looking for. I am literally looking for a way to send UDP packets from javascript running in the browser like the example above.


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1 answer


from browser is not possible.

SSDP does not require UDP-only support because SSDP is a multicast packet, therefore multicast group aggregation is required.

As far as I know, only Chrome apps (with special permission) can connect to a multicast group.



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