Create grails <g: link>

I have a problem with the tag <g:link>


When i use

<g:link namespace="print" controller="home" action="terms">Terms &amp; Conditions</g:link>


Creates the following link

<a href="/app/print/home/terms">Terms &amp; Conditions</a>


But I would like to create a link like

<a href="/app/print/home/terms#testValue">Terms &amp; Conditions</a>


How can this be achieved?

I tried using "$ {createLink (controller: 'home', action: 'terms')} , but it doesn't support the namespace attribute.


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1 answer

Link: grails-doc

You can use a snippet (often called an anchor tag).

<g:link namespace="print" controller="home" action="terms" fragment="testValue">Terms &amp; Conditions</g:link>



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