Mongoose / Mongodb return and error handling meaning

I'm a little confused about the return value of Mongoldb update and how should I handle the error with it.

I am using Node.js, Express.js and Mongoose.js as my Mongodb driver

As I go through many tutorials, the only error handling method I have seen is ...

Example: simple custom schema .. and I want to update the phone number


  email :,
  telephoneNumber : 123456


An example of error handling written in Node.js that many of them taught me

 Users.update({email:}, {'$set': {telephoneNumber : 654321}, function(err, result){
      }else if(!result){
           //update not success
           //update success


but when i go through Mongodb documentation i found that update returns WriteConcern value which returns something like this

      "ok" : 1,             // update with no err
      "nModified" :1,        // successfully update 1 user
      "n" : 1               // found 1 


So my question is if I should handle my error like this, so I would like to know more about update errors ...

  Users.update({email:}, {'$set': {telephoneNumber : 654321}, function(err, result){
      if(err || result.ok === 0){
      }else if(result.nModified === 0){
           //update fail
      }else if(result.n === 0){
           //could not be found 
           //update success


Is this a bad approach to update processing in mongoose / mongodb?



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1 answer

This is how we handle mongoose / mongodb errors. These could be errors such as "this value already exists" or similar problems.

First, in the mongoose call error block, add:

if (err) {
    return res.status(400).send({
                    message: errorHandler.getErrorMessage(err,req,res)


Which calls the getErrorMessage function, which is defined in our errorHandler file, which can call the unique error message function. We also log errors in our mongo database in a separate collection.

exports.getErrorMessage = function(err,req,res) {
    var message = '';
    if (err.code) {
        switch (err.code) {
            case 11000:
            case 11001:
                message = getUniqueErrorMessage(err);
                message = 'Something went wrong. We have logged this issue and will correct';
    } else {
        for (var errName in err.errors) {
            if (err.errors[errName].message) message = err.errors[errName].message;
    //log the error to Mongo
    return message;

var getUniqueErrorMessage = function(err) {
var output;

try {
    var fieldName = err.err.substring(err.err.lastIndexOf('.$') + 2, err.err.lastIndexOf('_1'));
    output = fieldName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + fieldName.slice(1) + ' already exists';

} catch (ex) {
    output = 'Unique field already exists';
return output;



Hope this helps, let me know if I can clarify anything.



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