Perl: print log at runtime, instead of dumping everything at once

I have a Perl script that is running from a Jenkins slave. The script executes a shell script stored on remote field A. This shell script actually deploys the war to machine A. Both machines, slave and remote Jenkins panel are CentOS instances.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use Net::OpenSSH;

my ($conf_file, $environment, $doexec, $exec, $job, $dest_file, $user, $host, $IP, $TARGET_SERVER, $JENKINS_JOB, $wrapper, $src_file, $src_path, $src_dist_path, $src_full_path, $id_file, $ssh, @array, $line);


sub init {

    $conf_file = "/home/ec2-user/SCM/conf/deploy_build.conf";
    open (FH, "<", $conf_file) or die "Cannot open < $conf_file: $!";

    while (<FH>) {
        if ( $_ =~ /\b$JENKINS_JOB\b/ ) {
            push @array, $_;
        } else {

    foreach $line (@array) {
        ($job, $src_path, $dest_file, $user, $wrapper) = split(':', $line);

        $id_file = "/home/ec2-user/.ssh/priv_key";

        $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($IP, key_path => $id_file, user => $user);
        $ssh->error and die "Couldn't establish SSH connection: ". $ssh->error;

        printf "\n";
        if (length $wrapper) {      
            printf "Initiating subroutine for executing wrapper on remote machine...\n";
        } else {
                printf "*** No wrapper specified ****\n";

sub exec_wrapper {
    my ($stdout, $errput) = $ssh->capture2("~/release/$wrapper");

    printf "Output: $stdout\n" if $stdout;
    die "Error: $errput\n" if $errput;
    printf "\n\n\n";


Now the problem is that although the program runs fine, it prints the output after a while. All output is committed to $ stdout and then dumped later. Since this job runs like a Jenkins job, the end user has no idea what happens before the data is output. I wanted to print each line as the event occurs (runtime) rather than waiting for all the output to be stored in a variable and dumped later. I've read this article but I'm not sure if it is relevant to my case and if so how can I implement it. I tried to put$| = 1;

at the top of my script. It didn't work. Then I tried to place it just before initializing the ssh object, but it didn't work in any of the cases. Simply put, efficiency is not a concern in my scenario.

Any help would be really appreciated.


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1 answer

I got the solution from this node. Instead of storing the output on a line and dumping it later, I can use the following code to print the log in real time.

sub exec_wrapper {
    $ssh->die_on_error("execution of ~/release/$wrapper failed");


I am also open to other approaches.



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