How to hide a flash message after a few seconds?

In my application, a user can send a request to another user. So after successfully posting the call, I am showing one flash message for the same. But now I want to hide this message after a few seconds. So I wrote the following code:

    setTimeout(function() {
        $("#successMessage").hide('blind', {}, 500)
    }, 5000);

<div id="successMessage" style="text-align:center; width:100%">
    <FONT color="green">
        <%if flash[:alert]=="Your challenge is posted successfully."%> 
            <h4><%= flash[:alert] if flash[:alert].present? %>


But this code doesn't hide the "successMessage" div.


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3 answers

You may try:

setTimeout(function() {
}, 30000); // <-- time in milliseconds


If you've used this, your div will be hidden after 30 seconds. I tried this too and it worked for me.



You can use the jQuery API delay for this .





In some cases, it is not enough just to set the window to show, it is better to remove it completely. in the following way:

setTimeout(function() {
}, 30000); 




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