Testing Color class in android not working as expected

I am trying to write test cases for a java class in my android app and it doesn't seem to work as expected.

This is my test case:

public void testGetColor() throws Exception {
    ShadesColor color = new ShadesColor(100, 200, 250);
    Assert.assertEquals(Color.rgb(100, 200, 250), color.getColor());

    Assert.assertEquals(100, color.getRed());
    Assert.assertEquals(200, color.getGreen());
    Assert.assertEquals(250, color.getBlue());


Below is the ShadesColor class.

public class ShadesColor {

    int color;

    public ShadesColor(int red, int green, int blue)
        color = Color.rgb(red, green, blue);

    public int getColor(){
        return color;

    public ShadesColor interpolate(ShadesColor endColor, double percentage){
        int red = (int)(this.getRed() + (endColor.getRed() - this.getRed()) * percentage);
        int green = (int)(this.getGreen() + (endColor.getGreen() - this.getGreen()) * percentage);
        int blue = (int)(this.getBlue() + (endColor.getBlue() - this.getBlue()) * percentage);
        return new ShadesColor(red, green, blue);

    public int getRed(){
        return Color.red(color);

    public int getGreen(){
        return Color.green(color);

    public int getBlue(){
        return Color.blue(color);


When the ShadesColor constructor is called, the integer color value is always 0. Since Android.Color is not mocked by default, I added the following line in the build.gradle file

testOptions {
    unitTests.returnDefaultValues = true


Did I miss something?


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2 answers

I think you are doing a local unit test, not an android instrument test. The local unit test has no real class Color, so you added unitTests.returnDefaultValues ​​= true, which makes Color.rgb (red, green, blue) null in the constructor.

Mock Color class or use another class. Thank.



Use Robolectric

instead Mockito

. Run your test using@RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class)



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