Linq Contains an array of arrays of enums

I want to return a list of tickets that are currently in one of the given statuses. There an array of TicketState enumeration (with values โ€‹โ€‹Open, InProgress and Finished).

public IEnumerable<Ticket> ReadTickets(TicketState[] states)
    return ctx.Tickets.Where(t => states.Contains(t.State)).AsEnumerable();   


When validating the method, the following exception is thrown:

Cannot compare items of type 'Project.BL.Domain.Ticketing.TicketState []'. Only primitive types, enumeration types, and entity types are supported.

I tried to create a list from an array and use a byte array instead, but I keep getting exceptions.

Does anyone know how I can fix this?


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1 answer

Are you looking for Enumerable.Any ?

return ctx.Tickets.Where(t => states.Any(s => t.State == s)).AsEnumerable();   




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